Conscious Renaissance Movement


Movement towards a Conscious Renaissance

By Allyson Volpe, January 2022

As we find ourselves in the January mindset, the conversation about conducting a healthier life comes to the forefront. Perhaps this year, we might expand the ripple further beyond our own personal fitness and health to include a commitment to live in better balance within our communities and within nature. These are the underpinning values of the conscious renaissance that is beginning to take form.

As we move towards endemic times where we have been tasked to re-evaluate what a renewed value for life means. More than ever, we are having to assess our relationship with the globe, the environment, our community and even ourselves. Entirely different perspectives are evolving as we begin to perceive and conduct our lives in ways fitting to our contemporary reality. The movement towards well-being is no longer limited to a mindset of the health and fitness sector, but now has the potential to expand in directions that may serve the betterment of humanity and the planet.

Just like a ripple, all that is required is movement on the part of us as humans.  One day at a time, we can create a movement that makes something better from each day.  There is movement when we spend more time in nature, appreciating and respecting its rhythms.  Our consumer power is a movement where we can choose to purchase something that hasn’t compromised Nature nor the quality of other’s lives in its making.  Our very breath is a movement that can help us to slow down and re-evaluate a situation instead of generating angry and aggressive behavior towards others.  Exhibiting good manners and kindness is a conscious movement that shows you have regard for the other and may inspire someone to do the same.  Communicating how you feel to another is a movement that gets you better in touch with your emotions and yourself as a whole.  Creativity in any form is a movement that begets more creativity.  Every reaffirming thought we have moves us into a place of hope instead of doubt.  Heart based gestures instead of ego controlling actions are movements which invite spirit into our life and propel us into higher energetic vibrations.  The list goes on.

In this quantum collective of life, all of our movements are connected on some level, not dissimilar to the life of a bee within the hive or the murmuration of starlings in flight, where one serves the good of the whole.  It behooves us to pay attention to what movements we are putting out to the collective.  Their ripple effects, however heroic or humble, all add to the balance as we bring this conscious renaissance to light.